It’s Nice to Meet You!
It is my intention to offer new ideas to the ongoing discussion of leadership, family, and current events. You can send me an e-mail by going to the “Contact Drew” section, ask questions, share your story, submit a prayer request, or just to say “Hi.”
Drew’s Family
- the father of four wonderful children, Joshua 21, Caleb 21, Hannah-Grace 19, and Isaac 16.
- married to Kimberly Sue (Roberts) , 1997. Kimberly is a teacher with the Cheatham County (Tennessee) School system.
- previous foster parents with Lowndes County, GA DFCS.
Drew’s Calling and Education
- called to gospel ministry while attending Auburn University, 1995.
- licensed (1996) and ordained (2000) at Smiths Station Baptist Church in Smiths, AL. Served as an intern at SSBC for over a year, until college graduation.
- graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master’s of Divinity with Biblical Languages (May 2000) and a Doctorate of Ministry (May 2009).
Drew’s Experience
- serving as Senior Pastor at Bellevue Baptist Church, Nashville, TN, March 28th 2021 to present.
- launched a non-profit foster care and adoption agency, Camp Rock Foster Care and Adoption Agency, licensed and contracted with the state of Georgia. Drew served as the Executive Director of Camp Rock of Georgia (December 2017 to June 2020) and served the Executive Pastor at Redland Baptist Church in Valdosta, GA (2017 to 2020).
- served as Pastor of Children and Families at First Baptist Church of Valdosta, Georgia (July 0f 2011 to November of 2017).
- has served in various leadership roles within the Blue Ridge Baptist Association including the chairman of the Personnel Committee, chairman of the Director of Mission Search Committee, Credentials Committee, and Moderator.
- served on the steering team that led the Valdosta Baptist Association in having a Community Day where over 25,000 were given food, clothing, medical exams, concerts, etc. with a volunteer team of over 1,000. In January of 2014 Community Day and the Valdosta Baptist Association partnered with the North American Mission Board and targeted six “send cities” and an effort is continuing to expand across North America.
- served as the senior pastor at Daybreak Community Church in Frederick, Maryland (2002 until March of 2011), served as Associate Pastor for two years at DBCC (from 2000-2002).
- served on the Board of Directors for Camp Rock of Georgia, — This non-profit organization seeks to share the love of Christ with foster and at-risk children in the state of Georgia and North Florida.
- overseen various technology projects in various churches — including multiple web sites developed, streaming of worship services, projection, sermon graphic presentations, graphic design, social media, acquisition of equipment, organization of ministry teams, etc.
Drew’s Hobbies and Community Involvement
- served as a Cub Scout den leader and in related committees (Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos 1 &2), served as Cub Master for Pack 440 Hahira, Georgia, Currently serving as Scout Master in Troop 403 Valdosta, Georgia. (please see note below). Joshua and Caleb have completed their Eagle Project.
- Drew enjoys woodworking, building things, and learning new ways to “fix things” that typically break with four biological kids and even more foster kids in the home. He also has been known to swing a blacksmithing hammer, gather eggs from his chickens, and harvest honey from his bee hive.
- ran a half-marathon in January 2013, a full marathon in January of 2015, and ran another half-marathon in April 2016.