During the winter months there is the inevitable weather closing, seasonal slowdown, or the purposeful taking of time to reflect on the previous year. The following are my top ten items for a leader as they are beginning a new year. These are not in order of importance, only the order that they fell out of the sky and landed on my subconscious.
- The time you spend quitting is time away from moving forward. Don’t quit.
- Don’t listen to people who haven’t done anything. Be careful who you allow to influence you.
- Trust yourself – your first instinct is probably right.
- Surround yourself with people who will help you move the needle in the right direction. The team is important.
- Your character is the most important determining factor of your long-term success. Guard rails are important.
- Deal with the problem – stop putting it off.
- It doesn’t have to be perfect – keep pushing forward. Do the best you can with what you have. Do something. Try.
- Get organized – the more tasks you can handle the further your reach goes. Planning is important.
- Take care of yourself, be disciplined in the right areas.
- Set a goal that seems impossible. People who try hard things occasionally become people who have done hard things. What seems hard to other people becomes easier for you.