Sunday was our Preschool Pool and Pop for our children’s ministry. The Preschoolers came with swimsuits and towels. We set up tents, kiddy pools, little tables, and the kids had a blast. Hannah-Grace came up to me after church and was all smiles. She couldn’t wait to tell me all about what they did that morning. This is the way I think church should be. Afterwards everyone should desire to run around with huge smiles on their faces, where they can’t wait to tell others what they had experienced. Church should be fun (period). It has been said, “If you want to bore someone read them Shakespeare, not the Bible.†–Amen. The Bible is a living and breath taking book, that if you truly put in the discipline to study it, it blows you away. We are a people of this book.
This past Sunday was another installment of Daybreak’s newest ministry called the Venue. It is a way for the church to show local artists and musicians that we love them and are interested in their “art.†The video is an interview that I did with Donna S. at the Delaplaine Arts Center in between sets.
I asked her, “What is the Venue, and what is it’s purpose?â€
“Are there any non-Christian bands? And if so, why?â€
“How are you sharing the gospel with these young people?â€
As and aside note — there are non-christian bands but we do filter the songs so that they are not inappropriate.
That night there were five bands and around 100 young people. Most of the young people listened to their favorite band, hung out in the parking lot, and just enjoyed the evening. The music is a little loud for my taste, I can’t understand the words all the time (but some of the time), but there is an unmistakable energy and “community†there. What draws me to this ministry is the massive potential to reach them with the gospel. Most were very open (or at least courteous) when Bobby W. gave a testimony and talked about God, and he did a great job.
Various people from the church made brownies and donated various other food stuff and drinks. Again, we want them to know we love them by first wanting to serve them, build relationships, and sharing the gospel out of these things. We are not trying to tell them how they are wrong (that’s the Holy Spirit’s job), but instead we are seeking to love them and show them how Christ loves them.
Please pray for this ministry and the direction we take in the upcoming months.
Another video from vacation
Here’s one I just thought was funny. We all have our way of unwinding.
My New Flip Camera
Before we left for vacation I bought a Flip camera. It is a digital camcorder that is around $150. I wanted a camera I could take to the beach and not freak out about sand and saltwater. I love it. The quality of the image is good, and it is very easy to use. As far as the whole bury your kids in the sand thing — how else was Kimberly and I going to have any peace and quiet, and have long walks on the beach? Sand is cheap, babysitters are not.
Vacation Reading
I had about 16 hours on the drive down and about 13 hours on the drive up. (Don’t ask about the missing hours). I read a commentary on Nehemiah by James Montgomery Boice, it was great and I picked up some very helpful things for my next preaching series. The other was Lord Save us from Your Followers, by Dan Merchant. It is a book that discusses how the way Christians are perceived by non-Christians is generally negative and he theorizes why that is. The writing style is fun natured and is a fun read.
A few months ago I read Love Jesus, Hate Church by Steve McCranie. The difference between the two books is like night and day. McCranie’s book is chapter after chapter of how the church is crummy and has hurt him. It’s like reading a morgue file (the church is dead, it’s decayed, horrible, etc…) Merchant’s book seeks to focus on non-believers and their perception — but far more importantly, how to change that perception. He gives at least three very powerful (and funny) examples of how to approach people and enter into a dialog. He focuses on the question “Why is the Gospel of love dividing America?” I won’t tell you what these clever ploys are — but I would suggest you get the book.
Apparently there is a movie, I plan to pick it up.
The only constructive criticism that I would offer is that Merchant throughout the book refers to all people as God’s children. Merchant reports “Denise was so moving and such a clear expression of love for another of God’s children that it was undeniable.” (p. 202)Denise was ministering to a homeless person by washing his feet. Perhaps he was a Christian but the interviewed seemed to lean the otherway.
Romans 8:14-17
“. . .14because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba,[h] Father.” 16The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.“
The children of God are those who have been adopted by the heavenly Father because of their relationship with Christ through their faith in Him. Merchant seems to have confused “made in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27) with “Children of God” who are those who have put their faith in Christ alone for salvation. This is a minor point in looking at the overall concept of the book, but if you read the book I just wanted to make this point.
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