Every year I like to try out a new piece of technology, or gadget on my vacation. Last year I purchased a “Flip†digital video camera. It was great for taking to the beach and it only cost me $150. I wanted something that I did not have to constantly worry about it getting salwater or sand in it. I really didn’t expect much for the price tag, but I was greatly pleased with the camera. In order for it to work well it has to be close (about 10-12 feet at a max.)to its’ subject and in fairly bright light – so if you can keep these things in mind it will be a great investment. I could have gotten it cheaper had I ordered it online ($10-20) but I needed it for the trip. This year I ordered a waterproof housing for the camera, as something new to try. It cost $30 almost 40% cheaper than it was last year (1st generation flip), and I ordered it online and had it delivered to the beach house (3-5 days). So for under $200 I have a great underwater/waterproof camera that I would highly recommend to all my friends! http://www.amazon.com/Flip-Video-Underwater-Generation-Camcorders/dp/B0012YSSRK
very cool!