Today H-G and Caleb won awards for respect and responsibility and were recognized as a kid of character. Way to go kids!
The Past Six to Eight Weeks
Have you ever had one of those days? You know when the day swirls around you and at the end of the day you just want to collapse into the bed. For me it hasn’t been just a day but it’s been that way for over a month. Some of you may have even checked my blog a couple of times and have noticed that it’s been awhile since I have updated it. There has been so much that has happened — Here’s just a summary:
– Special Exceptions Approval
– Our Open House
– Cub Scout riding the Santa Train
– Hannah-Grace’s whopper
– Christmas Day
– Christmas Eve Service (Notice H-G’s Capri Sun)
Not to mention the normal drama. Our next hurdle is this coming Sat. and the Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby. So starting on Tuesday, the boys and I will begin construction. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Doing Some Writing
For the past two weeks I have lived in a small Sleep Inn hotel room in Wake Forest, North Carolina. It was my original plan to try and finish my doctorate of ministry project. I have been working on it for over three years and the past two years I have made no progress at all. I tried taking a day off during the week – that didn’t work. I tried going to the “Shepherd’s Rest†at Skycroft (a pastor’s retreat that you get for free three days during the year) – that helped, but three days a year wasn’t much help either. After thought and prayer I decided to just go to NC and meet with a faculty on almost a daily basis. So after two weeks, the last night of my stay, I am ready to go home. I have completed the project except for last chapter, which is a review of the whole project.
I am thankful for Daybreak Community Church that has allowed me to be away for these two weeks. We have two faithful men in our church who have preached in my absence. Thanks guys!
The first Sunday I was here, I visited a church that Kimberly and I helped start in Holly Springs, NC. We helped get everything ready for the launch and first service, and then we went to MD. But it was really cool to see what God has been doing in the 8.5 years we have been in Frederick. In many ways they are like us – meeting in a Elem. School, trying to break the 200 barrier, etc…. The visit was a complete surprise for my friend and he even asked me out for lunch. It was great to catch up. But it was also really cool to think back over the past 8.5 years and see how God has changed me (and my family). It’s way too much to go into here, but I feel I have grown by leaps and bounds.
Back to this whole degree thing. In many ways this project has been a weight that I have carried way too long, and finally feel like I can drop it (almost, I have one last chapter). I still have to defend it before a board of professors, and give an oral defense in Feb. But if all goes well, I can graduate in May.
Gingerbread House Building Family Fun Morning
This Saturday was Daybreak’s Third Annual Gingerbread House Building Family Fun Morning. We had over 100 people, with over 60% of people coming from the community. The Previous Friday night (Kris Kringle Parade) we handed out between 800 to 1,000 cards and many of those who came were as a result of those cards being put into people’s hands.
What’s really exciting is that so many people came out to have fun, and to spend time as a family. Each person was given a package of Graham Crackers, various candies, a ziplock of royal icing, and a tray to hold everything. From there, it was all up to the imagination. It is pretty amazing what kids (and adults) can do with m&m’s, gum drops, licorice strips, peppermints, etc. . . in two hours.
This is Karine P. who has overseen the Gingerbread House Building Family Fun Morning. This is her third year of leading this outreach event. Way to go Karine, Thank You!
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