Yesterday was the “car load” special at the Frederick County Fair. So Kimberly and I took the crew to see the animals, ride rides, and to have some much needed “family” time. It was a blast!
I usually take Fridays off from work and try spend the whole day doing something with my family. But recently, I confess, Fridays have become crowded with other stuff.
You have to guard your time, and make sure that those precious moments spent with your family don’t slip through your fingers. I don’t want to be one of those guys who gained the world, but lost what was most important to him.
Great to see you with a blog Drew. You are a gifted communicator and this is a great way to reach out to even more people.
Thanks for the reminder about not being controlled by things that seem so urgent at the time. The most urgent usually is not the most important.
thanks Terry