The art presented here was inspired from the verse, “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52. It reminds me of how limited our time is here on this earth and how at any moment Christ could return to take us to glory.
Last night I attended a friends ordination service. It was an evening of pastors and others seeking to impress the gravity of the calling into ministry and recognizing and affirming him to this calling. The presenters were given the assignment of telling a young man entering ministry what he needed to know, and they were limited to one minute. I was asked to be a presenter so I have thought about this for weeks. In the end, I decided to do three things with my minute. 1. I read what I felt was the most important verse for a pastor to remember, Matthew 22:37 “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Jesus was asked the same question by the way. Above all else a man of God must love God with every fiber of their being. 2. I gave a practical tip that I have learned along the way and it is this: There is no short cut, no magic bullet, no secret formula. Success in ministry is to faithfully do what you have been called to do, and it will be hard. Don’t quit. 3. I prayed for him from the pulpit. Every ordination typically ends with the laying on of hands, but I wanted to pray for this young man, the way I wished men had prayed for me. I believe that he needed to hear men of God praying for him.
Also, that evening took me back to when I was seated in his seat. It was the first time I really began to feel the weight of ministry placed upon my shoulders. Perhaps it was the men leaning on me as they prayed, or the Holy Spirit using that moment to impress upon me the importance of my task — but I do remember and still carry the weight. There has never been a time when I desired to be rid of the weight, it is very precious to me, but there are times when I have wanted a sabbatical from it. It never goes away, I am always a called man of God where ever I go, whatever I do — it’s there.
So “in the twinkling of an eye” Jesus could return and I will have to give an account of my actions and how I have managed His church, the Bride. You already know what i want Him to say. . . “Well done good and faithful servant.” Then I will be rid of the weight and can rejoice before my King. but for now, it’s Monday and time to write Sunday’s sermon.
Thank you for answering that call to be a Pastor. Your sermons are convicting and encouraging. God is using you to bring us closer to Him. Thank you again and God bless you and your family 🙂
Thanks Pam — with families like the Giannis it makes ministry easy.