a place for us to share ideas, talk about life, and learn together.
Information Overload
Ok, so it’s happened. I sit down at the computer to write my blog and my mind is blank.Well not really blank, but there are some things that I would love to write on (venting), but it not a wise move to put that kind of stuff on the internet.There are also some things in the mix that I just can’t talk about.Either it would affect other people or simply is just private.This is one of those things about leadership that I never really understood until I was the leader.
As a pastor I am privy to a lot of “inside†information, but I do not have the freedom to do anything with that information.Even if I know something embarrassing or sinful about a person, they could blast me in public, but I can’t use this “ammunition†to blast back.I’m supposed to the spiritual leader and mature one – so I pray.So I take it, and deal with it, and it usually always passes over.So, I show them respect, love, and grace even when they do not (do unto others, etc…). God has always been faithful to take care of me, my wife, and my family and there is also a lot of truth in “you reap what you sow.â€
But sometimes it just about kills me to not talk about exciting things God might be bringing our way (but I know that it’s not the right time, so I have to remain quiet) or to blast someone when they are trying to hurt me, my ministry, or family.Don’t worry this hasn’t happened that often.Usually the things I have to keep quiet on are things God seems to be orchestrating and it’s too soon to unveil the plan.Then when the time is right, I speak and tell others.
So the leadership principle of the day is “keep your mouth shut until God tells you to let the people know what’s going on.â€I have also found that God usually is working in other people’s heart as well showing them a different part of the puzzle.
About the author
Drew Boswell wrote 827 articles on this blog.
Dr. Drew Boswell has been in ministry for over twenty years, is a husband, father, pastor, and friend.