Joshua lost his first tooth tonight. He came over to me, showed me how his tongue could push the tooth backwards and forwards. So, I asked Hannah-Grace to go and get some tissue. I used the tissue to hold the tooth, and with a gentle tug, out it came. The tooth flew into the air and was lost for about 30 seconds. I was scared that it was still in his mouth, so I told him not to swallow. Caleb found it on the floor, and handed it back to me. It is about the size of a match head. The whole event was very exciting and now Caleb and Hannah-Grace are trying to figure out how to get their teeth out as well.
Cool. A first tooth is worth at least $5 bucks
What a great idea! Have different amounts for each tooth. The first tooth, 5$, the send $3, so that by the time they loose all of them they are paying me money!