Among Southern Baptists the name “prayer meeting†means many things to many people. For many it means hearing people complain about health problems (which are often insignificant). For others it means gossiping about what someone else is doing “we need to pray for them because. . .†Prayer meeting for many also means a lot of talking but not very much actual praying.
Having said all that, some time ago I knew that the Lord was calling Daybreak to pray, to have a prayer meeting. My personal prayer was that when people left the time that they would not describe it as I did above. If you have been a Christian for any length of time you can easily report of a time when the “times of prayer†were just plain dead. Also, among our congregation God was moving in other people’s hearts for the need for the church to pray together. So a small group of people and individuals separately, have been praying for God to move His people to desire to pray and get right with Him.
Last night we saw God move at a Prayer Meeting. We simply read Scripture and then prayed asking God to show us what we need to apply to our lives from what was read. People shared things that were on their hearts, and we prayed. We bowed down and prayed, and we stood to sing His praises. There was some laughing and joy, but mostly there was weeping and brokenness before the Lord.
God moved on the group’s heart to covenant before the Lord our desire to put away distractions, sin, and everything that keeps us from doing what God has commanded us to do and being the people we are supposed to be. It was not planned and was not initiated by me. I led the time of prayer, but God moved in the heart of His people. We all promised before the Lord to follow Him with our whole heart. Words just can’t describe it, and it is truly one of those moments when “you just had to be there.â€
At the end, the praise team led the congregation in one last song, and I walked to the back to greet people as they left. As everyone left no one really said anything and there was a quiet reverence and appreciation of an experience we shared of being with the Lord. We hugged instead of shaking hands and people just quietly walked into the night.
What will God do next? I don’t know but I’m going to follow and see. (Matt. 8:23-27 – Jesus calms the storm)
I loved being with “family” last night.
Thank you for being sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and allowing the time to go as it did.
“four thumbs” up from crew… and a paw